Viejo IPA

This home-brew is special, but started off like all my others - made just for fun and to enjoy with friends. Days after brewing the IPA I found out that our landlord, Joe, had sadly passed away the same day I brewed and on the spot I knew I had to dedicate this batch to him. Joe always used to talk with me about the ocean, lobster diving, fishing for tuna, his enjoyment of being a member of the famous Tuna Club in Avalon, Catalina and burning fuel!


The Tuna Club was very special to Joe and spending countless weekends “burning fuel” was his favorite thing to do. In dedicating this batch to Joe I decided to reach out to the Tuna Club in Avalon for a collaboration and received permission to use their logo on the bottles. The label design includes information from Joe’s obituary, his largest catch ever (a 292lb yellow fin tuna), custom Tuna Club bottle caps and little details throughout.

Date: July 2017

Client: Tuna Club Catalina

Role: Tribute Beer Design
